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Translate Entire eBook PDFs with Google Translate (Free!)

This video tutorial shows you how to easily translate foreign language eBook PDFs using Google Translate. Learn how to bypass the 300-page/10MB limit by splitting and merging PDFs with PDFsam Basic. Achieve accurate and fast translations with the latest AI.

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Translate Entire eBook PDFs with Google Translate (Free!)

Google Translate

Access Google Translate at the following URL: https://translate.google.com/

Google Translate “Images” Images can be translated.

Google Translate “Images” Translation The original text is masked with a background color, and the translated text is superimposed. You can download the translated image using the “Download translation” button.

Google Translate “Documents” Files exceeding 10MB or 300 pages cannot be translated. The following file formats are supported:

  • .docx
  • .pdf
  • .pptx
  • .xlsx

PDFsam Basic

Download PDFsam Basic from the following URL: https://pdfsam.org/download-pdfsam-basic/ I downloaded the “Portable archive” version.

Launching PDFsam Basic It appears to configure Java settings upon launch. Run it using the “pdfsam.bat” file.

Splitting by Size in PDFsam Basic Use this option if the file size exceeds 10MB. It’s recommended to set “Split by file size” to 5.6MB. This is because splitting at 10MB sometimes caused timeout errors with Google Translate.

Splitting in PDFsam Basic Use this option if the page count exceeds 300 pages. Set “Split after every ’n’ pages” to 300. If you encounter timeouts, reduce this value to 200 or 100.

Merging in PDFsam Basic 1 Drag and drop the split PDF files as shown in the image.

Merging in PDFsam Basic 2 Click “Run” to merge the files. The merged file will have a default name, so renaming is necessary.

PDFsam Visual

This is not recommended as it only offers a 14-day trial. However, it’s mentioned here due to its effective compression of text-based PDFs.

Download PDFsam Visual from the following URL: https://pdfsam.org/download-pdfsam-visual/ I downloaded the “Portable archive 64-bit” version.

Launching PDFsam Visual Select “Compress” on the start screen.

PDFsam Visual “Compress” Drag and drop your PDF file here.

PDFsam Visual “Compress” Settings Configure the settings: choose the output folder with “BROWSE” and click “SAVE” to compress.


Go to the iLovePDF “Compress PDF” page at the following URL: https://www.ilovepdf.com/compress_pdf

iLovePDF “Compress PDF” File Selection Drag and drop your PDF file here.

iLovePDF “Compress PDF” Compression Level Select “Extreme compression” and click “Compress PDF”.

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